It was pretty entertaining, to say the least...
-The left mouse button, it's there, you might as wel use it for SOMETHING...
-The fighting style your character uses is repetetive, and gets boring. It would be fun and LOGICAL to have at least SOME of the moves your character has when you're fighting it...
==> Instead of having to use the X button for attacking, use the left mouse button for it, and use the X button for switching styles.
-It doesn't seem to matter which character you use.
-The enemy just whores in the corner all the time... A way to kick it outta there would be welcome...
-You took the easy way on the "losing control of the saber"-effect.
Make it wobble around a bit, NOT disappear... The opponent doesn't have this disadvantage, so don't make it too great.
-Good graphics and effects!
-Nice effort!
-Nice concept!